Gênero: Chill
1 Aes Dana Hug (2:22)
2 Astral Waves Shanti (5:24)
3 Capsula I Know That I Know (7:08)
4 Master Margherita Lune (6:32)
5 Lucid Picnic Ground (7:04)
6 Cell vs. Kalifrogz Hawaii Transit (Ocean Board Remix) (7:08)
7 Omiq Project Textures (6:52)
8 Electrypnose Paradis Perdu (4:33)
9 Kick-Bong Gravity (7:17)
10 Peaking Goddess Collective, The You Are One (7:00) Featuring - Alex Grey
11 Smiley Pixie Sprites & Spells (5:41)
12 Dymons Eagle Forest (7:16)
13 Ajja & Tanina Equinox (2:34)